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From: Earle Martin Date: 00:01 on 30 Sep 2005 Subject: du I'd like to see how big all the files/directories starting with a '.' in my home directory are, please. earle@pulsar:~$ du -h \.* 4.0K ./Mail 12K ./.ssh 104K ./photos/test ... Whoa, hold on, "Mail" doesn't begin with a dot. Stop that. Okay, try again. Maybe I need to quote the dot, or something. earle@pulsar:~$ du -h '.'* 4.0K ./Mail 12K ./.ssh 104K ./photos/test ... Okay, that's not it. What does a simple listing do? earle@pulsar:~$ du -h 4.0K ./Mail 12K ./.ssh 1.3M ./photos/test 19M ./photos 12K ./.mozilla/firefox/nx0jka40.slt/chrome ... Well, that's matching... something. I don't understand the sorting order. Out of curiosity, let's see what happens if we throw in a wildcard. earle@pulsar:~$ du -h * 8.0K Calendar 2.5M Desktop 1.6M Incomplete 4.0K Mail 36K accounts ... What the hell? Asterisk isn't matching '.'? Gah. I don't care any more.
From: Earle Martin Date: 13:19 on 14 Sep 2005 Subject: Adobe Acrobat Reader As of version 7 or something, there now exist editable PDF forms. And of course, what Adobe invents, people will slavishly follow, so these forms are starting to crop up on websites when there exists the need for a form for you to print out, fill out and mail off somewhere. What was wrong with plain old HTML? Nothing. Morons. But of course, this is a version 7 thing. So I had to upgrade the Acrobat Reader on my Win98 box, because I only had version 5 installed. And can I? No. Adobe won't let Win98 users go past v6. So unless I upgrade my entire operating system, I can't use forms on some websites. How hateful. More hateful still is that one particular form I could not avoid having to print out, so I actually had to go out and print it from an internet cafe. Only, every internet cafe in the entire world only has Acrobat version 5 installed. So when I picked a place I had to upgrade Acrobat myself. Thus not only paying richly for the paper I was printing on, but the time I had to spend upgrading someone else's computer. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate.
From: Earle Martin Date: 12:25 on 13 Sep 2005 Subject: Limewire Title: [ Four of Two ] Artist: [ They Might Be Giants] Result: "Error: Your search is too specific. Please make your search smaller and try again." WTF?
From: Earle Martin Date: 00:24 on 03 Aug 2005 Subject: Movable Type Having just installed Movable Type, the experience of actually writing weblog entries has been a fairly enjoyable one. On the other hand, there is the administration interface for configuring your weblog, which appears to have been designed by a howler monkey that has been given a copy of "Learn JavaScript in 24 Hours".
From: Earle Martin Date: 14:14 on 22 Mar 2005 Subject: Sites requiring registration to post a comment No, I don't want to register a FREE ACCOUNT! on your website just to post a fucking comment. Yes, Flickr, I'm looking at you.
From: Earle Martin Date: 11:51 on 19 Dec 2004 Subject: Backspace meaning "go back" in browsers What fucktard decided that hitting "backspace" should cause your browser to go back a page? There are ALREADY NAVIGATION SHORTCUTS. (In my case [Firefox], Alt-Left Arrow means "go back".) The only time that I ever use the backspace key like that is in error. There are lots of different kinds of mistaken ways to hit it, too, like typing in a text field and accidentally changing the focus to the rest of the page or just pressing it by error because on my keyboard it's RIGHT NEXT TO THE FUCKING PAGE DOWN BUTTON. Gah.
From: Earle Martin Date: 17:59 on 20 Jul 2004 Subject: Firefox: Tools->Options? Or Edit->Preferences? Place your bets now! Want to change your browser settings? I hope you've read the GNOME human interface guidelines, no, wait, I mean the KDE guidelines, no, Windows, no, MacOS X... http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=245765 Yes, I just upgraded to Firefox 0.91, and was surprised to find that Tools->Options no longer exists. Heaven help those people who might want to write help text about changing browser settings and want to cater to Firefox users. Argh. Hate.
From: Earle Martin Date: 10:06 on 03 Jun 2004 Subject: Flash My hate is of Flash, and of the way that it's quite possible for some halfwit to write a moronic banner advert that appears on streetmap.co.uk and cycles endlessly and gets a death grip on something in Firefox's guts causing the whole application to lock up and become unresponsive thus forcing me to kill it and thus nuke all the twelve or so tabbed windows in it with LOTS OF REALLY FUCKING USEFUL STUFF I WAS READING OR NEEDED TO KEEP OPEN FOR REFERENCE AT SOME LATER POINT. Why doesn't Firefox let you block Flash animations from a certain domain, as well as images? And for that matter, why can't I block images from a certain path on a domain, like "example.com/ads/", as well as from a whole domain? You know what? I've had it with streetmap.co.uk. The amount of crud surrounding the maps on their site has now passed my threshold of "considered harmful".
From: Earle Martin Date: 10:04 on 27 May 2004 Subject: Pipermail Where is the navigation, once you're looking at a view of any particular week? Huh? Huh? Maybe this is really a Mailman hate, since they seem to be in charge of Pipermail now. Oy.
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