From: Earle Martin Date: 13:19 on 14 Sep 2005 Subject: Adobe Acrobat Reader As of version 7 or something, there now exist editable PDF forms. And of course, what Adobe invents, people will slavishly follow, so these forms are starting to crop up on websites when there exists the need for a form for you to print out, fill out and mail off somewhere. What was wrong with plain old HTML? Nothing. Morons. But of course, this is a version 7 thing. So I had to upgrade the Acrobat Reader on my Win98 box, because I only had version 5 installed. And can I? No. Adobe won't let Win98 users go past v6. So unless I upgrade my entire operating system, I can't use forms on some websites. How hateful. More hateful still is that one particular form I could not avoid having to print out, so I actually had to go out and print it from an internet cafe. Only, every internet cafe in the entire world only has Acrobat version 5 installed. So when I picked a place I had to upgrade Acrobat myself. Thus not only paying richly for the paper I was printing on, but the time I had to spend upgrading someone else's computer. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate.
From: Peter da Silva Date: 15:47 on 14 Sep 2005 Subject: Re: Adobe Acrobat Reader On Sep 14, 2005, at 7:19 AM, Earle Martin wrote: > As of version 7 or something, there now exist editable PDF forms. And > of > course, what Adobe invents, people will slavishly follow, so these > forms are > starting to crop up on websites when there exists the need for a form > for > you to print out, fill out and mail off somewhere. What was wrong with > plain old HTML? Nothing. Morons. If I run into one of these I'm going to bitch to every email address I can find on the site, badmouth that site in particular on every relevant forum I can find, and if I have to actually use the form I will figure out a way to use it that's as unpleasant and expensive for them to deal with as possible. I do not use ANY version of Acrobat, and I WILL not use any version of Acrobat. If the native support for PDF on Mac OS X doesn't work, then to hell with them.
From: David Champion Date: 15:51 on 14 Sep 2005 Subject: Re: Adobe Acrobat Reader * On 2005.09.14, in <>, * "Earle Martin" <> wrote: > you to print out, fill out and mail off somewhere. What was wrong with > plain old HTML? Nothing. Morons. It's not a *portable* document format!
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